Part of one of the elite neighborhoods is visible, plus the town’s park (in the middle of the picture) plus lots of other stuff, but it’s hard to explain like this and unfortunately notes do not work so well on these kind of pics. My hometown, Baia Sprie, is hidden by one of the hills… I suggest you view the photo in it’s original size.
adica Piatra Craiului? :))))))
Frumoasa panorama.. Dealul Florilor?
Nu, de pe stânca aia vizibilă din oraş…
Piatra lu`Tolvaj Denes
Si eu Tolvaj Denes stiam ca se numeste… :) Am pus si tag-urile potrivite acum.
Incearca asta: AND welcome to the official Tolvaj Denes fanclub!
Daca vroiam cu adevarat, Canon-urile au functia de panorama dar am preferat sa fac N poze in fiecare directie cu mici diferente si apoi sa le aleg pe cele mai bune si sa le incarc pe Flickr.
Tolvaj Denes rulzzz! :-)
October 30, 2005
October 30, 2005